Tag: Education

Exam Failures: Reasons and Insights

Reasons behind exam failure, including lack of interest, resource scarcity, inadequate teaching methods, and parental pressure.

Rana Kanwal Rana Kanwal 5 Min Read

Pakistan’s Education Progress: Insights from the NAT Report 2023

Key insights from the National Achievement Test, showcasing improvements in Grade 4 English but alarming declines in Grade 8 Maths.

Maheen Waheed Maheen Waheed 3 Min Read

Deciphering Pakistan’s Education Crisis

Pakistan's education crisis, from rote learning pitfalls to language struggles, exploring solutions for a brighter future in schooling.

Maheen Waheed Maheen Waheed 8 Min Read

BISE vs. CIE: A Critical Decision for Every Pakistani Student

Choosing between Pakistan's BISE system and the Cambridge CIE system: A pivotal decision for students.

Maheen Waheed Maheen Waheed 4 Min Read

An Alarming Reality: 23 Million Out of School Children in Pakistan

Pakistan faces a significant challenge with approximately 25 million out of school children, particularly alarming in urban areas.

Ryehah Shah Ryehah Shah 6 Min Read

Why Pakistan’s judicial system ranks last

The problems in Pakistan's legal education system and how they affect the country's judicial system, as well as proposing solutions to address these issues.

Umer Aamir Umer Aamir 5 Min Read

Maximize your teaching career with free online development opportunities

Online platforms offering valuable, globally recognized courses and resources, making them an excellent choice for teachers seeking to continuously improve their skills.

Fariha Zafar Fariha Zafar 2 Min Read

How has Westernization of Education led to educational ‘poverty’ in the region?

Our existing system is failing not due to policymakers' incompetence but because it is centered on Eurocentric policies that simply do not work for us.

Mahnoor Abid Mahnoor Abid 6 Min Read

The education system in Pakistan is left in shambles

In both the covid times and beyond, it is important to establish an education system in Pakistan that is resilient and prepared so that all efforts do not go to…

Mariyah Sadiq Khosa Mariyah Sadiq Khosa 7 Min Read

Effects of Plagiarism on Education

Plagiarism is an immoral act, adversely affecting students and the education system. Read causes, solutions and effects of plagiarism in this blog.

Sohaib Zafar Sohaib Zafar 5 Min Read

Village’s deteriorative education system

Pursuance of education is completely discouraged on account of poor attitude of local people and government.

M. Waqas Mehsud M. Waqas Mehsud 4 Min Read