Aware Pakistan, one of the premier article publishing websites in Pakistan, a dynamic space for independent blogs, diverse options, and citizen journalism content.

We enthusiastically welcome a wide array of submissions, including articles, blogs, book reviews, movie and drama critiques, awareness pieces, and even students’ assignments. However, please note that we do not currently accept news stories or press releases.

Each submission is treated with the utmost respect for its originality; unlike conventional platforms, we refrain from altering content or making any editorial cuts. All the received entries are meticulously screened through various AI and plagiarism detection tools to maintain originality.

Submission Form

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Media (images/videos)IMPORTANT: This is optional but if you want to provide any image or video necessary for your content, please attahed it here. NEVER attach stock images or from Google search. Only attach it if you have you any specific images or videos.
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