Tag: Urban Pakistan

Lost in the Haze: Lahore’s Cry for Clean Air

Lahore, once a vibrant city, suffocates under a deadly smog blanket. Can Pakistan break the cycle of reactive solutions and save its people from this toxic crisis?

Maheen Waheed Maheen Waheed 5 Min Read

An Alarming Reality: 23 Million Out of School Children in Pakistan

Pakistan faces a significant challenge with approximately 25 million out of school children, particularly alarming in urban areas.

Ryehah Shah Ryehah Shah 6 Min Read

Pakistan’s Cities at a Crossroads: Choosing Sustainability over Adversity

Pakistan has one of the highest urbanization rates and is facing issues with poverty and poor infrastructure in its metropolitan areas.

Muhammad Usman Muhammad Usman 5 Min Read

Pakistan’s Urbanization Dilemma: Addressing the Issues

Over 36% of Pakistan's population lives in urban areas, and it is expected that by 2025, about half of the population will live in urban areas.

Muhammad Usman Muhammad Usman 4 Min Read