Nature’s wail

Loneliness came in, inflammation emerged. Months went by and finally, isolation ended. People got to know themselves better, enhancing their personal growth.

Editorial Team
1 Min Read

The nature was sad, it pleaded for help. No one listened. After years and years of sadness, a deadly infection ravaged in the world, which was never seen or talked about. It plunged the entire world into isolation. The people were confined to meet, greet or hug each other. Schools and offices were closed, malls and factories were shut down. It was a complete lockdown for the world.

Loneliness came in, inflammation emerged. Months went by and finally, isolation ended. People got to know themselves better, enhancing their personal growth. People grieved for the ones whom they lost but were happy as well for the liberty again.

Now, the world seemed changed. Nature which once pleaded for help was now free from the evilness of the people. Nature was once again itself. The crystal sea, Green trees and the blooming flowers.

Editorial team of Aware Pakistan, responsible for editing and posting content online
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