Causes of Political Instability in Pakistan

A weak political system, military intervention, corruption and external influence are some of the major factors.

Muddasar Hussain
By Muddasar Hussain 2 Min Read
Political Instability in Pakistan, dark horse

Political instability in Pakistan has been a recurring issue since the country’s inception in 1947. There have been various causes of political instability in Pakistan, including a weak political system, military intervention in politics, corruption, and external influence.

One of the main causes of political instability in Pakistan is the weak political system. The country has had a history of military coups and dictatorships, which have often disrupted the democratic process and contributed to political instability. In addition, the political system in Pakistan is characterized by a lack of strong and stable political parties, which has made it difficult for the government to effectively govern the country.

Another significant cause of political instability in Pakistan is military intervention in politics. The military has often played a major role in shaping the country’s political landscape and has frequently intervened in politics, either through coups or by supporting certain politicians. This has resulted in a lack of trust between the military and the civilian government, which has further contributed to political instability.

Corruption is also a major factor that has contributed to political instability in Pakistan. The country has consistently ranked poorly on global corruption indices, and corruption is perceived to be widespread at all levels of government. This has led to a lack of trust in the government and has made it difficult for the government to implement policies and initiatives.

External influence has also played a role in political instability in Pakistan. The country is located in a strategically important region, and as such, it has often been the subject of interference from external powers. This interference has often resulted in political instability, as different external powers have supported different factions within the country.

In conclusion, there are several causes of political instability in Pakistan, including a weak political system, military intervention in politics, corruption, and external influence. These factors have contributed to a history of political instability in the country, which has made it difficult for the government to effectively govern and has led to a lack of trust in the political system.

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