Tag: Social Impact

Why Muslims Need to Revive Their Morals

A call to action for Muslims to revive their faith and morals in the face of global injustices and oppression, emphasizing the importance of unity and action.

Nida Husyin Nida Husyin 7 Min Read

Preserving Tradition and Sporting Valor: Neza Bazi

Learn how this ancient sport 'Tent Pegging' has evolved into a cornerstone of Punjab's cultural tapestry, showcasing horsemanship, hospitality, and cultural pride.

Ziafullah Ziafullah 2 Min Read

K-Dramas in Pakistan: South Korea’s Nation-branding Tool

K-dramas are revolutionizing public diplomacy and cultural exchange, enabling South Korea to engage with global audiences and project soft power.

Hamna Obaid Hamna Obaid 5 Min Read