APS massacre; when the lamp of victory was lit with blood

Mothers’ laps were broken, fathers’ shoulders were bent, and many lost the love of their mothers and fathers, while the spouses of some fell into eternal sleep.

rana kanwal, rana writes
Rana Kanwal
rana kanwal, rana writes
Writer at Aware Pakistan, Punjab University ‘Mass Communication Graduate’ and System Analyst in PRAL at the Federal Board of Revenue in Islamabad.
- Writer
6 Min Read

Before nations, there are times when life necessitates the sacrifice of everything dear to their hearts. Every soldier of the Pakistan Army comes forward by giving his life to this country, but no one ever thought that the young soldiers of Pakistan, who are studying in school with their dreams of the future written on paper, would be studying for the nation.

How many Ghazi children kept saying that if we had weapons, we wouldn’t have let a single damned terrorist return alive from school and take life in this dear country? In the war between good and evil, fate also took a turn and asked us to sacrifice our dear children and their teachers. After the war of 1971, this was the second major tragedy that shook the entire nation. Every eye was filled with tears, and everyone wanted to bring the brutal terrorists to justice with their own hands.

The 16th of December was an apocalypse that befell us all. Mothers’ laps were broken, fathers’ shoulders were bent, and many lost the love of their mothers and fathers, while the spouses of some fell into eternal sleep. The city of flowers saw so many funerals of flowers that it seemed that there was no morning that night.

Since then, there was a fire of revenge in every heart; everyone was yearning for the innocent. The then Army Chief General Raheel Sharif promised the nation that terrorism would be eradicated from Pakistan. He termed the APS attack an attack on the heart of Pakistan. General Raheel Sharif said that this attack is an attack on the junior troops of the Pakistan Army. At that time, every soldier of Pakistan, from the eastern and western borders to the coast of Gwadar, — and the soldiers on duty in the Siachen mountains, took an oath that they would shed the last drop of blood but would not let the sacrifice of their children go in vain. “Blood will be avenged.”

After the APS massacre, it seemed that our children would never be able to go to school. There was panic everywhere, but when the Army Public School was reopened on January 12, everyone was surprised to see the army chief himself standing for the reception. The Pakistan Army left no stone unturned in comforting the families of the martyrs and treating the Ghazis. These measures helped the Pakistanis overcome their fear, and teaching and learning were restored in Pakistan’s educational institutions.

Former COAS Raheel Sharif at the APS reopening reception on January 12, 2015.

Since June 2014, Operation Zarb-e-Azb has been accelerated, and the intention has been strengthened. It would not hold its breath until North Waziristan and the Pakistan-Afghan border were secured. On the occasion of the reopening of the APS, images of the tragedy’s martyrs were presented in front of the COAS, following which he reiterated his commitment to send the terrorists to hell. This tragedy created a revolution in the country.

The 16th of December is the day when the lamp of victory was lit with blood. It was a day of resurrection that was passed on to us, but on that day, a story of sacrifice, bravery, and patience was written that cannot be found in history. This day united us against terrorism. Establishing law and order in the country is not only the responsibility of the government and the army but we all have to contribute together.

In North Waziristan tribal district, the most difficult war in history was fought. The battle of truth and falsehood was fought at a temperature of minus ten and an altitude of 30,000 feet, and the truth won. Pakistan’s flag is flying higher today in areas that the British monarchy could never conquer.

What we need as a state is that the distinction between good and bad terrorists [Taliban] must be removed. Before donating, check that we are not buying bullets for terrorists. Terrorists should know that they cannot defeat Pakistanis, the children of the country whose teachers have made such a great sacrifice. We shall continue to defend our freedom and independence in the aftermath of the APS tragedy. We are all innocent. Martyrs owe us their lives.

There were operations against terrorists and their facilitators, after which there was a clear difference in the law and order situation. The incidents of extortion and target killing have decreased by 70%.

In its new war doctrine, the army made the public a part of the operation. I appeal to them that they should keep their eyes and ears open and report any suspicious activity around them to the army.

The views, information, and opinions expressed by the author (blogger) do not necessarily reflect those of Aware Pakistan and its team. The primary purpose of the blogs and articles is to empower civic voices and offer independent bloggers and aspiring writers a professional platform on which to speak in their entirety and publish their words without any restrictions.

rana kanwal, rana writes
Writer at Aware Pakistan, Punjab University ‘Mass Communication Graduate’ and System Analyst in PRAL at the Federal Board of Revenue in Islamabad.
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