The victim blame game

Gender-based violence — a pervasive problem, perpetuated by societal biases against women and reinforced by the language we use to discuss it.

Editorial Team
3 Min Read

We talk about how many women were raped last year; not about how many men raped women. We talk about how many girls in a school district were harassed last year, not about how many boys harassed girl. We talk about how many teenaged girls got pregnant in the state last year, rather than how many men and teenage boys got girls pregnant. So, you can see how the use of this passive voice has a political effect. It shifts the focus off men and boys into girls and women. Even the term violence against women is problematic. It’s a passive construction. There is no active agent in the sentence. It’s a bad thing happens to women. But when you look at the term violence against women, nobody is doing it to them. it’s just happened. Men aren’t even part of it!

Jackson Katz, PhD, from his Ted talk “violence against women: it’s men’s issue.

Recent rape case of F-9 parks in Islamabad, where culprit without showing any bit of shame considered his act of raping a woman right, only because she was out at night.

Growing up in this society, I noticed one thing that is very common indeed I would say that, people doing wrong always get away with this “Victim blaming” game.

“As I walk through the hallway of the building,
The way people were talking about that girl,
Make my skin creepy,
Thay were blaming her,
For her dressing,
Thay were talking about,
Her heavy makeup faces,
Thay were blaming her for each and every reckless act she made,
None of them was worry about her,
None of them were showing respect towards her.
Everyone was so busy in throwing dirt over her character,
That they forget about their own daughters, wife, mothers and sisters,
Thay forgot about the father of that m girl,
Who was in grief,
The sisters whose eyes tanned red trying hard to hold back that grief,
The mother who was hospitalized since the day she heard this news.
Thay were talking about that,
It serves her right.
Why this society is so cruel towards woman…?”
Why it is so easy for us to blame woman?
Why it is always the woman who take all the criticism?
These are the questions that I’m having in my mind but unable to find the answer.

Editorial team of Aware Pakistan, responsible for editing and posting content online
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