It’s you who raises yourself

It’s you who, after falling, picked yourself up, and while bleeding, you learned to stop crying and start dressing your wounds.

Editorial Team
Editorial Team
Editorial team of Aware Pakistan, responsible for editing and posting content online
2 Min Read

Sometimes it’s not your parents who raise you.

You are the one who raises yourself.

It’s you who, after falling, picked yourself up, and while bleeding, you learned to stop crying and start dressing your wounds.

It’s you who, after seeing your parents’ fights, learned that you don’t want to become a parent like them.

It’s you, in your sickness, who gets up in the middle of the night to cook for yourself because you know your mother isn’t in the mood to cook for you.

It was you who raised yourself.

Our parents believe that all a child wants to grow up with is financial support, a good education, a good career, a good marriage proposal, and, finally, a partner. However, it’s not all a child wants from their parents; there is much more than these things.

For a healthy and stable life, a child needs a healthy environment, strong relationships, love, care, and support, and some parents forget to provide them with these things.

Eventually, children will stop asking for these things when they are not given what they truly need. When your children stop expecting these things from their parents, you should know that they have learned to live without you and that they are becoming dead from the inside. Their happy colors are fading.

They are getting lost in a world where surviving alone is difficult. They travel around in search of a true home, but all they find is loneliness and tortured thoughts.

They may pretend to be happy, but their soul is dying, their eyes are getting dull, and their vision is getting blurry with each passing day.

They become a part of this cruel society, carrying a heavy burden on their hearts.

Whenever you feel that there is a child like that in your surroundings, be humble with them and try to heal them.

A small act of kindness goes a long way.

Spread kindness and love.

Editorial team of Aware Pakistan, responsible for editing and posting content online

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