A path to book reading from movie addiction

Book reading permits us to utilize our own creation of mind and to reinforce our ability to believe something and to create new ideas, new strategies.

Editorial Team
5 Min Read

The popular belief is that book reading is way better than movies. Books allow you to feel the sufferings and joys of the characters or events. Book reading may be a very simple hobby that’s adopted by the extraordinary intellectual people. The people that are expert to manage their patience and curiosity can adopt this hobby with an open heart. In today’s digital era and advanced technologies, people like better to watch movies and television shows for entertainment purpose and in their spare times. Not only teenagers or youngsters but elders also like better to watch Films. They preferably spend most of the days in sitting on a couch, holding the remote and watching various TV shows. They’re doing this without knowing this incontrovertible fact that it badly affects their mental and physical health. Sitting on a couch for hours during a row, without doing any physical activity, it produces the matter of additional fat within the body. An unavoidable fact is, it reduces the productivity of mind too. You can’t consider something creative and merchandise if you’re using most of sometimes in sitting on the couch ahead of a flat-screen.

Reach for the books, rather than the remote.

Yes, book reading is way better, a productive and active task to try to. Literature is some things that permit a reader to utilize his own creation of the mind. It allows us to reinforce our ability to believe something and to create new ideas, new strategies. It’s a phenomenon that mind needs exercise to function accurately. Therefore, the choice is yours. As the phrase is, “use it or lose it.”

The countries that read the foremost book, according to different institutions’ assessment results is Finland, Singapore would come top followed by South Korea.

In an interview, Bill Gates revealed that truth, he reads 50 books a year and it’s an advocate for his many benefits. Book reading habits developed with consistency. It comes with the 5-hour rule. This rule is spending five hours every week or one hour each working day focused on deliberate learning. You’ll grab a lot of data. If you’re a student you can improve your vocabulary. If you’re a lawyer you can read law books. It also increases your reading ability and memory too. So, if you’re planning for CSS in the future, book reading is that the best strategy.

Mr. Aitzaz Ahsan, Pakistan’s best lawyer, politician, and CSS topper once said in his interview with Umar Riaz another CSS topper. “There’s a limit in buying anything,  but there’s no limit in buying books, my parents always supported me for my this hobby without thinking of financial situations”.

So, as parents, we should always promote the book reading habits in our youngsters. It’s very essential to develop these sorts of habits in our youngsters in order that they might be persuaded to a good profession in the future.

If you’re a housewife, you can examine different strategies to manage households, you can teach your child when you’re an honest reader then you’ll develop this habit in your child too, you’ll read recipes and you’ll surprise your husband while cooking his favourite food It is often adventurous too. When you’re reading a storybook, you can actually enjoy the adventures and thrill that those characters could also be experiencing therein happening events. Well, it completely depends on what sort of literature you would like to read.

Reading even a tough will evergreen in my opinion, it’s better to read the books of your own taste rather than reading subtitles in Korean or Spanish TV shows.

Reclaim your evenings.

If you’re a reader, and you would like to re-enjoy the fascinating process of imaginations while reading a book, then my dear friend, it’s the right time, being quarantine saying reception during this lockdown, to start out reading books again. I would like to recommend the following books:

  1. “Homo Deus”, by Yuval Noah Harari
  2. ”7 Habits of highly effective people” by Stephen R.Covey
  3. “Thinking Slow and fast” by Daniel Kahneman

You’ll to require a clean slate towards your hobby of book reading.

Editorial team of Aware Pakistan, responsible for editing and posting content online
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