Tag: Culture

Embracing Diversity: A Path to National Integration in Pakistan

Explore Pakistan's cultural, religious, and geographical diversity, highlighting national integration, unity, and the collective efforts for peace and stability.

Fatima Rasool Fatima Rasool 8 Min Read

Preserving Tradition and Sporting Valor: Neza Bazi

Learn how this ancient sport 'Tent Pegging' has evolved into a cornerstone of Punjab's cultural tapestry, showcasing horsemanship, hospitality, and cultural pride.

Ziafullah Ziafullah 2 Min Read

Preserving Pakistan’s Indigenous Languages

Explore the importance of preserving Pakistan's indigenous languages in safeguarding its rich cultural heritage and why they are crucial for maintaining cultural identity in a globalized society.

Sairah Irfan Sairah Irfan 3 Min Read

Heritage Havens: Pakistan’s Ancient Civilization and Cultural Legacy

Pakistan's rich heritage spans thousands of years, from the Indus Valley Civilization to the present day.

Humaira Hayat Humaira Hayat 4 Min Read

West’s Crafty Influence on the Third World

The ultimate "goal" of western living standards and development should be halted in favor of more relatable development and other policies.

Laiba Aamir Laiba Aamir 6 Min Read

How has Westernization of Education led to educational ‘poverty’ in the region?

Our existing system is failing not due to policymakers' incompetence but because it is centered on Eurocentric policies that simply do not work for us.

Mahnoor Abid Mahnoor Abid 6 Min Read

The beginning of Pakistan’s westernization

The colonized history of Pakistan has made it more West-oriented in terms of its culture, its policies, and its way forward.

Javeria Babar Javeria Babar 5 Min Read